• Color settings 
    The easiest way to make color settings is via color scheme However, you can overwrite all settings separately. The screenshots on the right next to the color options display the view and element for which the respective color settings are valid
  • Display Subscription Button 
    Upon activating this option, you can also display a button that links to the subscription page, in addition to the purchase button
  • Custom UI Enabled 
    Many areas have the option of creating your own HTML page and thus, introducing your own design. HTML assets are stored in dynamic content. Learn more about proprietary HTML content
    • Custom Subscription UI Enabled 
      A checkmark activates this option. In the "Custom Subscription UI URL" field, link to the dynamic resources: "resource: //dynamic/subscriptions/index.html"
      In the folder for dynamic resources, create a folder called "subscriptions" and save all HTML data there, including CSS
    • Custom UI for Entitlement enabled 
      You also have the option of integrating your own HTML content, which you can design according to your own ideas, instead of the standard entitlement view. Learn more about entitlement